Village Hall
St Luke's Carol Service
The annual service of Lessons and Carols took place on Sunday 22nd December.
The Church was beautifully decorated by an amazing body of volunteers. The congregation sang the festive carols heartily and were rewarded with mince pies and mulled wine afterwards at the village hall.
The Christmas Raffle was drawn and over £470 was raised for Church funds. Thank you to everyone who helped in any way!

December Coffee and Chat
There was quite a crowd at the December coffee and chat - plenty of festive cheer and cake of course!
We all joined in singing Happy Birthday to Chris Jones who instigated this monthly event.
Come along and join us in the New Year on January 20th

Pupils from Whitley Village School performed at St Luke's annual Christingle service on 3rd December. Over 70 Christingles were handed out to children of all ages in the congregation. We managed to raise over £100 for the Church of England's children society.
Thank you all of you!